Naga-Waukee Park


    • Camping
    • On Water
    • Pets Welcome/Inquire
    • Boating Services Available
  • Fish Type
    • Blue Gill
    • Crappie
    • Largemouth Bass
    • Bass
    • Northern Pike
    • Panfish
    • Perch
    • Smallmouth Bass
    • Walleye
  • Fishing style
    • Fly
    • Inland Lake / River
  • Campground Type
    • Tent
    • Group Sites
  • Natural Attractions Type
    • Beaches
    • Parks, Forests, Trails
  • Number of Campsites
    • 5 reserved group and 33 first-come first-served family sites
  • Publicly Owned
    • Yes
  • Showers and Flush Toilets
    • Yes
  • Beach
    • Yes
  • Kayak
    • Yes
  • Canoe
    • Yes
  • Concessions
    • Yes
  • Boat Launch
    • Yes
  • Swimming
    • Yes
  • Nature Trails
    • Yes

Naga-Waukee Park

651 S.T.H. 83 - Hartland, WI 53029
Information: 262-548-7801
Park Hours: Sunrise to 10pm
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Naga-Waukee Park and Golf Course are located north of I-94, spanning the lands between the shores of Nagawicka Lake and Pewaukee Lake. This 414-acre parcel consists of a regional park, a championship 18-hole golf course, and 2 lake access sites. The diverse topographical features were created during the glacial age, which enhances the beauty of the site.The park offers a spectacular view of Nagawicka Lake as you meander down the boardwalk to the boat launch or beach. Another boardwalk awaits you as it winds through the trees along the lakefront. It is a splendid view and a great photo opportunity. The oak hickory forest and thick undergrowth define the trails that wind throughout the park, which is home to many different species of wildlife. Many Baltimore Orioles make Naga-Waukee their home, as well as Great-Horned Owls.