American Players Theatre

Photo Credit: Hannah Jo Anderson.
APT Audience watching Love's Labour's Lost.


  • Wheelchair Accessible
    • Access via Ramp
  • Blind and Visually Impaired Accommodations
    • Yes
  • Food Allergen Accommodations
    • Yes

American Players Theatre

Ticket Office: 608-588-2361
Information: 608-588-7401
June-Nov. Call or check website for schedule details.
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American Players Theatre (APT) is a professional theater located just outside Spring Green, Wisconsin. It is situated on 110 acres of hilly woods and meadows. It has two theaters - a newly renovated outdoor amphitheater that can accommodate 1075 people and an indoor Touchstone Theatre that can seat 201 people. The theater produces nine plays in rotating repertory from June to November each year. APT has an annual attendance of over 100,000 and an annual budget of over $6 million, making it the second-largest outdoor theater in the United States devoted to the classics.