6 Wisconsin Water Ski Shows That Will Astonish You This Summer
Did you know that Wisconsin is the “Show Ski Capital of the World”? It’s true! With more water ski show teams than anywhere else, you’ll find plenty of action staged on our many sparkling lakes and rivers. Teams all around the state spend the summers performing water ski shows for their communities and lucky travelers passing through, almost always for free!
Amateur skiers ranging in age from young children through retired adults adorned in eye-catching costumes dazzle audiences with their effortless shows of unique and creative feats that would be hard to perform on land, much less while skimming across the water. Human pyramids, barefoot skiing and trick jumping are just a few of the impressive acts you’ll witness at these shows.
For the biggest show of all, take a trip to Wisconsin Rapids in July to be amazed by the best-of-the-best at the annual Wisconsin State Water Ski Show Championships—it's the largest tournament of its kind in the world!
With almost 30 teams all over the state of Wisconsin, wherever you vacation, you’re sure to find a water ski show nearby that the whole family will enjoy. Here are just a few of the teams you can find performing around the state all summer.
Rock Aqua Jays Waterski Shows – Janesville
Sit along the Rock River at Traxler Park in Janesville to watch this world-class water ski team perform twice a week all summer long. You and your group will be awe-struck by the Rock Aqua Jays as they show off their pyramids and other impressive feats that have won them many national titles. The events are free (donations encouraged) and a great way to spend summer nights with family.
Aquanut Water Shows – Twin Lakes
Located just over the Wisconsin-Illinois border in Twin Lakes, the Aquanuts have been performing their astounding feats for over 50 years. Bring a blanket and a picnic or get treats from the snack shop while you and your crew enjoy free shows every Wednesday and Saturday night throughout the summer.
This year, you can also join the Aquanuts for an adaptive ski event in July that’s open to adults and children over six with disabilities.
Chetek Hydroflites Waterski Show Team – Chetek
The Chetek Hydroflites combine acrobatics with entertaining skits to put on unforgettable shows for the whole family. Catch their free shows on Lake Chetek every Thursday and Sunday night all summer long.
Min-Aqua Bat Water Ski Shows – Minocqua
One of the oldest water ski show clubs in the world, the Min-Aqua Bats put on an incredible show for Northwoods visitors all summer long. Pull up a seat near gorgeous Lake Minocqua and enjoy their free performances on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday nights throughout the summer season.
Waterboard Warriors Water Ski Shows – Wrightstown
Visitors to the Green Bay or Fox Valley areas can catch a memorable show by the Waterboard Warriors performed on the Fox River in Wrightstown. Shows are free and run from Memorial Day to Labor Day on Thursday evenings. From four-tiered pyramids to barefoot skiing, this team will wow you with their daring feats.
Mad-City Ski Team Shows – Madison
Journey to downtown Madison to watch the Mad-City Ski Team in action every Sunday night throughout the summer. The 11-time national champions perform on Lake Monona, and you and your crew can watch for free from Law Park next to the Monona Terrace or from the top of the Terrace for a birds-eye view. This team is made up of talented individuals and even entire families who love putting on a show while being together.
Searching for more exciting events? See what’s happening this weekend in Wisconsin.