York Park

York Park in Amery


  • Free Admission
    • Yes
    • On Water
    • Pets Welcome/Inquire

York Park

Information: 715-268-7486
Toll Free: 800-222-7655
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The park offers 40 acres of urban, mixed hardwood forest on a hilly site, boggy wetland, and one-quarter mile of undeveloped lakeshore. Enjoy three miles of graveled trails and a viewing platform. Birds in the forest include Golden-winged, Northern Parula, Magnolia, Blackburnian and Mourning Warblers, Evening Grosbeaks, Red-eyed and Blue-headed Vireos, and Brown Creepers. On the lake, one can find Common Loons, Bald Eagles, Osprey and a variety of ducks and herons.