Whitnall Park Rotary Craft & Art Fair

Whitnall Park Rotary Craft & Art Fair

Event Date
Apr 5, 2025. 9am-3pm.
Dec 6, 2025. 9am-3pm.

Information: 414-282-3377
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The club sponsors two craft fairs at Whitnall High School each year, one on the first Saturday in December and another in the early spring. Handmade crafts and art works by over 190 crafters and artisans. There's something for every budget. We have a "raffle" for which you purchase the tickets that you place in the basket for the items you would like to win. Items are supplied by our crafters and artisans. Lunch for sale in the cafeteria. Santa comes to the Fair in December and the Easter Bunny comes to the fair in Spring and pictures can be taken with your children for free! Door fee: $4 donation.  These events raise funds that, in turn, are returned to the communities through student scholarships and assistance to various non-profit organizations.