First Date


  • Wheelchair Accessible
    • Access via Ramp
  • Adaptive Equipment Available
    • Assisted listening devices available. Bluetooth enabled assisted listening system as well. Designated wheelchair, walker, and assisted seating area.
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing Accommodations
    • Yes
  • Accessible Parking
    • Yes
  • Service Animals Welcome
    • Yes
  • Performing Arts Type
    • Theatre
    • Music
  • Wheelchair Accessible Trails
    • Paved Concrete

First Date

Event Date
Jul 19, 2024 - Jul 21, 2024. Friday 7pm, Saturday 2pm and 7pm, Sunday 2pm
Jul 26, 2024 - Jul 28, 2024. Friday 7pm, Saturday 2pm and 7pm, Sunday 2pm

Racine Theatre Guild
2519 Northwestern Ave - Racine, WI 53404
Information: 262-633-4218
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Find out if opposites attract in the musical comedy “First Date” running July 19 – 28, 2024 at the Racine Theatre Guild. First impressions just might be worth a second chance. Blind date newbie, Aaron, and serial-dater, Casey, enter the hilariously exhausting ritual through the ups and downs of a first date. Dull conversations, awkward flirting, and humiliating mishaps are accompanied by an ever-rotating cast of characters from both of their pasts and possible futures. With surprises around every corner, will it be a dating disaster or turn into something special before the check arrives? Between all the misfortunes and mistakes of blind dates, the story gives hope that there could be that one perfect moment. **Some adult material and language may not be suitable for younger patrons