Baldwin's Main St Farmers Market

Farmers Market Canned Goods


  • Wheelchair Accessible
    • Access via Ramp
  • Free Admission
    • Yes

Baldwin's Main St Farmers Market

Information: 715-684-3426 x116
2023 Schedule ~ Saturdays from 9am-12pm ~ June 10 - Sept. 30 (Rain or Shine)
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Baldwin's Main St. Farmers Market is located in Bailey Park (end of Main St), which is the oldest park in Baldwin.  This tree-lined venue is a perfect place for our vendors, community members and visitors to shop for locally grown produce and crafts. 

The Market offers something for everyone. You will find locally grown produce, unique vegetables, Amish goods, plants, flowers, crafts and more. Bring the kids and enjoy the playground equipment, the old-fashioned gazebo in the middle of the park and good company.  

Our vendors are from the area and grow or produce their products.  We encourage everyone to buy local and eat local!