Whitewater Park
People from around the world have traveled to Wausau to hit the water at Whitewater Park, located just a few blocks from downtown. There isn't anything like this anywhere else in the country.Paddlers of all ages compete on the kayaking course. We offer an Information Tent, Food, Kayak Vendors, Training, Competition & Recreation. Check out our schedule to find the dates of Training, Competition, and Recreation Days. Wausau Whitewater hosts a variety of competitive events including Freestyle and Slalom competitions at local, national, and international levels. However, we bring the sport to you through introductory and advanced training classes as well as recreational paddling days! Don’t forget about our Wausau RiverFest with free kayaking demonstrations and a Hooligan Race where anyone with an will to ride the waves and the proper safety equipment can sail their craft down Wausau Whitewater’s Big Drop!