Best Maid Cookie Company

Best Maid Cookie Company

1147 Benson St. - River Falls, WI 54022
Information: 715-426-2090 x108
Toll Free: 888-444-0322
Mon-Fri: 8am-4:30pm.
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For over 70 years, Best Maid Cookie Company has been baking some of the tastiest cookies in the region. Visitors to our outlet store will be in "cookie heaven" while nibbling on daily samples and perusing our shelves bustling with treats. Our vast selection includes a variety of delicious gourmet cookies, scrumptious crispy bars, chocolate-fudge brownies and more! Founded in 1943 by Swedish immigrant baker, Arthur Erickson, Best Maid Cookie Company has been making cookies with the freshest ingredients, the finest chocolate sprinkled with good old-fashioned T.L.C. Now available--artisan bread from our sister company, New French Bakery. Every loaf is made with the freshest ingredients, so you won't find better-tasting bread anywhere. Best Maid Cookie Company...a mouth-watering favorite for locals & tourists. Stop in today and pick up a baker's dozen.