Bavarian Bierhaus


  • Accessible Parking
    • Yes
  • Wheelchair Accessible
    • Yes
    • Pets Welcome/Inquire

Bavarian Bierhaus

Information: 414-236-7000
Monday: Closed, Tues-Thurs: 4pm-8pm, Fri-Sat: 11am-9pm, Sun: 11am-7pm
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Welcome to the Bavarian Bierhaus, Milwaukee's newest dining, drinking and entertainment destination. Here you will find a combination of modern and traditional German heritage with German and American cuisine. Venue spaces include The Beer Hall & Brewery, The Tap Room and the Beer Garden; Sip your beer in style on this full-service dining patio while looking over Old Heidelberg park and soccer fields.

Chef Dennis Stukel, Executive Chef of the Bavarian Bierhaus, received the "2023 Chef of the Year" from the American Culinary Federation Chefs of Milwaukee, Inc (ACF Milwaukee).