Mariners Trail Manitowoc/Two Rivers

Mariners Trail Photography


  • Surface Type
    • Asphalt
  • Natural Attractions Type
    • Arboretum/Botanical
    • Beaches
    • Parks, Forests, Trails
    • Scenic Vistas
  • Trail Length (miles)
    • 6 miles

Mariners Trail Manitowoc/Two Rivers

Information: 920-684-0828
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Enjoy six-miles, of paved lakeshore trail joining Manitowoc and Two Rivers. This 10 year old trail is designed for bicyclists, walkers, joggers and roller bladers, and includes gardens, sculptures, telescopes, parking turn outs, restroom facilities, picnic areas, and the Flora and Fauna of the lakeshore. Animals on a leash are welcome and clean up bags, and trash cans are available for Fido's needs. Also you can visit lighthouses, restaurants, motels and gift shops along the way. Trail and beach access available at parking areas and connects with Rawley Point Trail at Neshotah Beach in Two Rivers.