Fort McCoy Commemorative Area Tour

Tour Type
- Walking Tours
Museum/Gallery Type
- Historical
Fort McCoy Commemorative Area Tour
The Commemorative Area consists of World War II-era buildings set aside to help tell Fort McCoy's unique story. These facilities, representative of the type found in the cantonment area when it was constructed in 1942, help to depict Soldier life during the 1940s. An administrative facility, a dining facility and one barracks are set up to represent the use of each facility during the WWII era. Display items include bunk beds, footlockers and potbelly stoves. The other buildings, both barracks, house informational displays that highlight the events of WWII.
The History Center features displays of memorabilia that reflect the role the installation held throughout WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the Cuban Refugee Resettlement center operations, Operation Desert Storm and more.
The Equipment Park is an outdoor area used to display equipment from WWII through present day, representative of the types used on the installation. The design of the park allows for the display of more than 70 pieces of equipment, ranging from helicopters and howitzers to tanks and trucks.
*Visitors without military ID must stop at the Visitor Control Center for a visitor pass to access the installation. See website for additional information.