Mascoutin Valley State Trail
22 miles of multi-use year ‘round recreational trail! The limestone base from Berlin to Ripon (12 miles) and Fond du Lac to Ripon (10) miles is perfect for walking, running and biking, while off road bicycles enjoy this trail for the areas of grass and gravel as well. The trail is open to horseback riding in Winnebago and Fond du Lac counties from May to October. Winter brings snowmobiles (when trail is officially declared open and groomed for snowmobiles) who share the trail with skiers and snowshoers (un-groomed for non-vehicular recreation). Wildlife viewing opportunities, and a birders delight, are found at the Eldorado Marsh Wildlife Area in Fond du Lac County and the Rush Lake Marsh area in Winnebago County. This bucolic break from the built landscape passes farms, woods and wetlands. No trail passes are needed for skiers. The entire trail is open to walking and bicycling, though be aware that the section between Ripon and Rosendale is in private ownership. Stop by the Vines and Rushes winery on the trail about 3 miles from Ripon, open all year, for a special glass of Mascoutin wine with a percentage of the proceeds going towards trail projects and maintenance.