Discover Green Bay

Discover Green Bay Visitor Center
Discover Green Bay Visitor Center


  • Wheelchair Accessible
    • Yes
  • EV Charging Station
    • Yes
  • ADA-Compliant Bathrooms
    • Yes
  • Accessible Parking
    • Yes
  • Elevator
    • Yes
  • Service Animals Welcome
    • Yes
    • Pets Welcome/Inquire
  • Services
    • Serve General Public
    • Staff Assists With Local Area Travel Planning
    • Brochures Displayed in Racks
  • Location
    • Easily Accessible from Highway
  • Publication Distribution
    • Department of Tourism Pubs
    • Variety of Pubs from Key Statewide Destinations
    • Local Area Pubs
  • Open Hours
    • Open a Minimum of 5 Days a Week During Peak Travel Season
  • Operated By
    • Non-Profit Tourism Organization
  • Type of Center
    • Local Information Center

Discover Green Bay

1945 Argonne St - Green Bay, WI 54304
Information: 920-494-9507
Toll Free: 888-867-3342
Mon-Fri 8am-6pm: Saturday, 8am-2pm. Closed New Years Day, Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Open half day on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. Holiday hours may vary
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Discover Green Bay new Visitor center is now open. Make it your first stop on discovering what the are has to offer. Our  visitor center offers local and state information along with information on what and who made Green Bay.  Come discover our area and see why we are "Beyond Legendary"